Why and How to use TaskStackBuilder in Android?
Q: Why?
A: To provide proper navigation.
- When the app is launched by App icon (Normal Flow)
2) When the app is launched by some Notification
The general flow of navigation in your app is MainActivity->DetailActivity
But sometimes a Notification
might directly open the DetailActivity
. In this case, pressing the back button will not lead you to the `MainActivity. It's an EXPECTED BEHAVIOR. However, you can modify this if you want to navigate back to MainActivity.
- Declare Parent of DetailActivity.
android:parentActivityName=".Activities.MainActivity" add this in Manifest file.
So it will look like this.
<activity android:name=".Activities.DetailActivity"
But! this feature was added in Android 4.1. So if you want to target older devices. Add a meta-tag as well.
<activity android:name=".Activities.DetailActivity"
android:value=".Activities.MainActivity" />
2) Use TaskStackBuilder to create a Pending Intent.
public PendingIntent getPendingIntent(Intent intent){
TaskStackBuilder taskStackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder
PendingIntent pendingIntent = taskStackBuilder
You are all set. Now just pass this Pending intent to create Notifications.
Putting up content takes a lot of time and effort 😓.
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