When to use Abstract Class?

Rohit Singh
2 min readMay 4, 2019


What is an Abstract class?

In Layman terms: An incomplete class is called an Abstract class.

When to use?

An abstract class is best suited for the scenarios where there is a lot of reusable code which you don’t want to write again and again + There are a few things which are specific to each class.

ie Common things + Uncommon things = Abstract class



Common things: Sing Anthem, Hoist Flag, etc.
Specific things: Indian Flag, Indian anthem(For India), China Flag, China anthem(For China), etc.

Sample Code?

Abstract class:

public abstract class BaseCeremony{

Flag natonalFlag;
Anthem anthem;

//**** Common Task ******//
public void startCeremony(){

public void hoistFlag(){

public void singAnthem(){

private void configure(){
natonalFlag = provideFlag();
anthem = provideAnthem();

//**** Differs in all part ******//
public abstract Flag provideFlag();
public abstract Anthem provideAnthem();



public class IndianCeremony extends BaseCeremony{

public Flag provideFlag(){
return new IndianFlag();

public Anthem provideAnthem(){
return new IndianAnthem();

Extra points: Just for you

  • An abstract class is an incomplete class that is why you can not create its objects.
  • An abstract class should have at least one abstract method to qualify as an abstract class
  • Example of abstract class implementation in Android
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Rohit Singh
Rohit Singh

Written by Rohit Singh

Android Developer | Arizona State University | NASA Psyche Research Aide

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