Support Libraries in Android
What is a support library?
Support libraries are code libraries(Collection of classes) which makes a newly added feature to work with the older devices.
For example, Material Design was introduced in API 21 (Android 5.0 — Lolipop) but the v7 support library makes it available for API 7 (Android 2.1.x -Eclair) and higher.
What are different support libraries?
Some of the main support libraries are
- V4 Support library
- V7 Support library
- V8 Support library
- v13 Support library
What does 7 stand for in v7 Support Library?
It means this library has features designed to be used with API level 7 and higher. Same goes with V4 (contains features meant for API 4 and higher) and so on.
Difference between v7 Support library and v7 appcompat library?
Few people including me get confused with these two terms. Actually, v7 appcompat library is a part of v7 Support library. v7 support library was mainly developed to support Material design and ActionBar design pattern for API 7 and higher.
V7 can be categorized into more sub categories
- v7 appcompat library
- v7 cardView library
- v7 recyclerView library
- v7 pallete library etc
v7 appcompat library has following key classes- ActionBar, ActionBarActivity, ShareActionProvider.
So adding
dependency in your gradle file imports the above-mentioned classes.
Other support libraries
Multidex Support Library (For creating apps with more than 65k methods)
v17 Leanback support Library (A Support library which provides important widgets for Android TV)
Relevant links
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