Start your Activity with Explode Animation
2 min readJul 9, 2019
How to do this?
Let’s say you have two activities.
- MovieDetailActivity
- ImageListActivity
And on click of a Button, this happens.
You can achieve this in 3 simple steps
1) Enable Content Transition
Go to your style.xml and add this line to enable the content transition.
<item name=”android:windowContentTransitions”>true</item>
2) Write Default Enter and Exit Explode Animation for ImageListActivity
3) Start Activity with Intent
Write this method in `MovieDetailActivity` to start `ImageListActivity`
Most important!
put your `setAnimation()`method before `setContentView()` method otherwise the animation will not work.
So your should look like this
And you are done.
Putting up content takes a lot of time and effort 😓.
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