How to setup Flutter in Android Studio?
If you ❤ Android Studio so much that you want to create Flutter application in Android Studio but don't know how to setup Android studio for running Flutter applications. Then you are in the right place, my friend.
You just need to follow these 2 steps which are super easy.
- Installing Flutter and Dart plugin
- Installing Flutter SDK
1) Installing Flutter and Dart plugin
Open Android Studio -> Open Plugin Preferences
Browse for Flutter Repository
Hit Ok. You will be notified that Dart is needed so Hit Yes and OK again
Restart Android Studio for the newly added plugins to sync up with Android Studio
2) Installing Flutter SDK
- Download the SDK zip file from HERE.
- Extract the zip file.
After extracting use the path of the extracted folder(for example: /Desktop/My Flutter SDK/flutter) in your future projects.
And you are done.
Putting up content takes a lot of time and effort 😓.
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